Who said blogging is dead? In fact, blogs are thriving in 2024 – and remain a relevant and profitable content marketing channel for the foreseeable future. Therefore we want to help you to share ideas and refine your writing. It can be achieved by communicating and sharing ideas, views and so on with your readers. It also increases reader loyalty which may help you promote your book worldwide. Marketing a book through a blog will also give you easy visibility even if your book is still in the writing stage.
Add multiple feature items, set different icons or images for each feature and also give custom links if needed.
Choose your style from three different layouts and two unique icon background shapes.
Show a connector line between each icon, changes its color and style to fit your unique design.
FACTS : A recent survey found that over 60% of all internet users read blogs, while another found that 77% of internet users read blogs daily. That’s over 4 billion readers. And it’s not just older internet users who are into blogs: Statista found that the percentage of young people in the UK reading blogs has grown significantly since 2010. Considering 60% of Gen Z think a brand’s digital first impressions are more important than in-person ones, it’s clear blog posts play a vital role in perception.
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